Ways to Give

We provide barrier free, culturally-safe programs and services to support healing journeys for First Nations people who experienced the Indian Residential School system and other intergenerational traumas.

To show your support, please join our circle of giving by donating directly to our organization.

Take Action

Be part of a healing journey. All our services are provided free of charge and your financial support will make a difference. We invite you to be a witness by joining our mailing list to keep updated and learn more about our work.

Smiling person
Smiling person

Shares & Legacies

In addition to one-time and monthly donations, we are grateful and humbled by those considering the gifts of shares and legacy planning. Please contact our Donor Experience team with any questions you may have.

If you are considering honouring our work with a gift in your will, sample bequest wording is as follows: “ I give and bequeath to the “Indian Residential School Survivors Society” (IRSSS), Charitable Registration Number: 864829536RR0001, the sum of $ _______________ dollars to support the areas of greatest need.”

This simple wording can be added when making a new will or inserted as a “codicil” to an existing will. As always, we ask that you seek independent professional financial and legal advice prior to making any important decisions.

Legacy of Giving


We welcome friends to share in our healing journey. To ensure transparency, we ask that organizations and individuals who are considering IRSSS as a beneficiary for their fundraising event, where over $1,000 will be raised, please fill out the online form.

Building a Better Future

Healing journeys are built on respect and dignity. Our partnerships foster these values and offer an inclusive and empowering network of supporters. We lead with culture, knowledge from our elders and an insightful vision.

In the past year, the Indian Residential School Survivors Society has…

Interacted with


Resolution Health Support Clients



Indian Day School claimants



calls to the 24-Hour Crisis Line

Our Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports note current programs, with a message from IRSSS Leadership Angela White and Rick Aleck. The reports share milestones achieved during their respective annual period, with statistical analysis of the IRSSS and its many different services.

Looking up to the top of a tree