Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day: Today and Every Day

Honouring First Nations Cultures and Contributions Year-Round

June 21, 2024: National Indigenous Peoples Day

Did you know that June 21st, the summer solstice, is also a day of profound celebration and reflection for Canada's First Nations? Established in 1996, National Indigenous Peoples Day honours the diverse cultures, invaluable contributions, and profound histories of First Nations people across the country.

Honouring Indigenous Cultures and Resilience Year-Round

National Indigenous Peoples Day is more than a single event; it's a reminder of the importance of celebrating First Nations’ cultures and resilience every day. By recognizing Indigenous successes daily, we contribute to a narrative shift that fosters reconciliation and a deeper respect for these vibrant communities.

IRSSS’s Role in Supporting Indigenous Communities

At the heart of supporting Indigenous communities and residential school survivors is the Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS). Our mission is to address the unique cultural practices and needs of over 200 First Nations communities in British Columbia. In 2023, our services reached over 232,600 interactions, highlighting the profound impact of our dedicated team.

Understanding Our Impact

IRSSS offers a range of culturally relevant wellness services tailored to the unique needs of First Nations communities. These include counselling, healing circles, and education programs, all designed to promote healing, justice, and empowerment. Our support teams work tirelessly to uplift individuals, fostering spaces for Indigenous voices and stories, and helping to create a stronger, more inclusive society.

Reconciliation in Action

This National Indigenous Peoples Day, and every day, we invite you to take meaningful actions towards reconciliation and the well-being of First Nations communities. Here are some impactful ways to contribute:

  • Wear an orange shirt on relevant occasions to express solidarity with residential school survivors and their families. Orange Shirt Day coincides with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. 

Together, let's walk the path of reconciliation by recognizing and celebrating the cultures, contributions, and resilience of First Nations communities every day. Wishing everyone a joyous summer solstice and a meaningful National Indigenous Peoples Day!


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